The Dignified and Important Work of Caregiving

by Joe Waters

Gracy Olmstead is one of America’s most engaging conservative critics of contemporary public life. She writes elegantly about the common good and the bonds of solidarity that connect us to one another, to our past, and to our future. 

An Idaho native, Gracy maintains a fervent love for her home state, its people, its culture, and its agriculture that is reflected in recent essays on our monoculture food supply, animal husbandry, childhood boredom, the elusiveness of the American Dream for our working poor, and leisure in a culture infected with the twin viruses of workism and distraction. 

Today, I am delighted that Capita is publishing a new essay by Gracy on caregiving for people and the planet in which she brings the eye of both an agrarian and a parent of young children to help us see our present dysfunctions a little more clearly and rise to the challenges of constructing a future in which children and families might flourish on a sustainable planet. 

Please enjoy Embracing our Indebtedness: Caring Well for People and Planet, and tell us what you think.